
Thuringia’s Minister for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation Bernhard Stengele visits GNV in Geisa: Insights into sustainable innovations in the energy transition

Geisa, 23.02.2024 – Last Friday, Thuringia’s Minister for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation Bernhard Stengele visited GNV GmbH in Geisa. Impressed by the innovative approaches and sustainable solutions, the minister immersed himself in the world of renewable energies and gained an insight into pioneering technologies that are helping to manage the heat transition. GNV, a pioneer in the field of geothermal systems, welcomed the minister with open arms and proudly presented its latest developments.

During his visit, Bernhard Stengele was able to experience at first hand how GNV is using innovative technologies and efficient processes not only to drive forward the heat transition as quickly as possible, but also to reduce the impact on the climate and environment at the same time.

In talks with Managing Director Sandro Neumann, the Minister also learned about the challenges and opportunities in the field of renewable energies. The exchange focused on the importance of investing in clean energy technologies and the need for greater cooperation between the state and industry.

Minister Stengele praised the efforts of GNV GmbH and emphasized the importance of innovation and sustainability in the energy transition. He emphasized the role of companies and the government in promoting environmentally friendly technologies and creating a sustainable energy supply for future generations.

“Es ist wichtig, dass mehr Bürger über die Vorteile und die Funktionsweise der Geothermie informiert werden. Informationskampagnen und öffentliche Aufklärung können dazu beitragen, das Bewusstsein für diese nachhaltige Energiequelle zu schärfen“, so der Minister. “It is important that more citizens are informed about the benefits and how geothermal energy works. Information campaigns and public education can help to raise awareness of this sustainable energy source,” said the Minister.

The Environment Minister’s visit to GNV in Geisa was an important step towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious energy policy in Thuringia. It made it clear how important innovation, cooperation and commitment are in order to protect our environment and secure a future worth living for everyone.

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