Well shafts
Well shafts
Well shafts provide a hygienic solution for sealing drinking water wells
drinking water wells, as well as for wells for the use of a heat pump
(extraction wells / absorption wells) for heating the building. The entire technology
is housed inside the well shaft. This is where the pump control
pump and the water meter can be installed here. This makes it easy for installers to
access for installers. The water-tight inspection opening allows optimum accessibility for maintenance
accessibility for maintenance work is possible.
Inexpensive and environmentally friendly
PE well shafts are a favourable alternative to concrete well shafts. On the
the construction site, concrete rings no longer have to be elaborately sealed and core
core drillings on site. A PE well shaft is prepared in the factory
ready for installation in the factory. Furthermore, the production of concrete is very energy-intensive.
As a result, more pollutants are released into the atmosphere during production,
than the production of PE well shafts.
Easy installation and maintenance
As the PE well shaft is supplied ready for installation, there is no need for time-consuming work on site.
work on the construction site. During installation, only the well pipe needs to be
pipe has to be installed and the house connection to the well shaft made. As
technology is installed inside the well shaft, the installer can easily carry out installation or
can easily carry out the installation or maintenance work there.